George Quinn holds a BA (1974) from Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta and a PhD (1984) from the University of Sydney. In 2008 he retired as Head of the Southeast Asia Centre in the College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University where he taught Indonesian and Javanese. Previously he taught Indonesian and Javanese at the University of Sydney and Charles Darwin University. He is the author of The Learners Dictionary of Today’s Indonesian, and the principal content author of the online course The Indonesian Way, currently the most widely used tertiary-level Indonesian course across the world. George chaired the organising committee for the previous two ASILE conferences, both held in Indonesia. To read some of George's scholarly papers and op-ed pieces please visit: . Contact Details Dr. George Quinn Adjunct Professor & Visiting Fellow, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific Member, ANU Emeritus Faculty Australian National University Acton ACT Australia E: [email protected] |