ASILE conference presentation
Indonesian Language Education in South Australian Department for Education and Child Development schools and teacher resources. Abstract Participants in this workshop will be provided with a "snapshot" of the current state of Indonesian Language Education in South Australian Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) schools. To support DECD language teachers and school leaders, a range of resources have been developed by the DECD Languages Team. These will be explored during the session and include a selection of online offerings designed to assist with the implementation and maintenance of Australian Curriculum Language programs in schools. These resources also serve to develop knowledge and understanding of languages education pedagogy, advocacy for language learning, languages education research and language linked student careers resources. Specific DECD strategies to support languages education in schools will also be a focus in this session. |
Jodie Edwards is an experienced teacher of Indonesian for students from Reception through to Year 12. Currently, Jodie works as Project Manager: Languages (Primary years focus) for the Department for Education and Child Development in South Australia. A long-term member of the Indonesian Teachers Association of South Australia (INTAN), Jodie has also served as past president of INTAN (2005 – 2008) and currently holds the position of Vice President. Jodie is a member of the ASILE Conference 2016 steering committee. In 2015 Jodie was awarded the South Australian Governor’s Multicultural Award in the category of "Volunteer". The award was presented in recognition of the work she has done cultivating and strengthening ties between Indonesia and South Australia to support Indonesian and Asian cultures within the community. Nomination for this award stemmed from the volunteer work she continues to do with INTAN, ASILE, INDOfest, OzAsia Festival, The Adelaide Festival Centre and the Migration Museum. Contact Details Jodie Edwards Project Officer Languages Learning Improvement Division Department for Education and Child Development E: [email protected] |