ASILE conference presentation:
Workshop Teaching Bahasa Indonesia via TPRS Abstract TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading & Storytelling) is a pedagogy that an increasing number of primary Indonesian language teachers on the Fleurieu Peninsula, SA is successfully implementing over the past 2 years in their Indonesian classrooms. TPRS was created by Blaine Ray, a secondary French teacher to address the issue of thematic vocabulary being largely forgotten as well as to combat reduced enrollments in secondary language programs. We would like to introduce participants to this highly successful methodology and explain how we have implemented it with primary students in our Indonesian Language classrooms. |
Biodata Current role: R-7 Indonesian Teacher at Port Elliot Primary School
I have been a member of INTAN since 2001 when I moved to South Australia. This is the second time I’ve been on the INTAN Committee. I have had a lifelong connection with Indonesian language and culture, dating right back to when I was a toddler. I remember joining in with my father repeating phrases while listening to his Indonesian language learning records for homework. I have widely travelled throughout Indonesia. In 2013, I spent 7 months backpacking throughout Indonesia visiting friends and family from Padang to Raja Ampat, from Pulau Morotai to Jogjakarta. During this trip, I was so incredibly privileged to be invited to stay with Indonesian families which gave me a deep understanding of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Indonesian people are truly the warmest and most generous people on our earth! I have been teaching Indonesian for almost 15 years and I have enjoyed each and every year. I consider myself very fortunate to have a profession which allows me to share, with others, my love of Indonesian language and culture, as well as being able to provide students with opportunities to meet and talk with Indonesian native speakers about a wide range of topical issues. I am a member of the Fleurieu Indonesian Language Teachers Hub Group which is an extremely active group on the South Coast. We recently discovered Teaching Proficiency through Reading & Storytelling (TPRS) which has had a profound impact both on us as teachers and for our students. In 2015, we presented a workshop at the Annual INTAN Conference to demonstrate and promote this pedagogy. Further information about TPRS for Indonesian teachers can be found on my blog. In 2015, I was the recipient of the INTAN ‘Gotong Royong’ Award at the 2015 World Teachers' Day Award Ceremony. Contact Details Catherine Elliott Port Elliot Primary School E: [email protected] |